Professor Emeritus Margaret Robertson
Previously employed by the University of Tasmania, Margaret's most recent position was as Director of Research in the Faculty of Education of La Trobe University, Melbourne
Spanning more than three decades in leadership roles, Margaret's externally funded research (Australian Research Council) projects have related to innovative pedagogies and digital technologies. Findings have contributed to professional development approaches that reinforce the need for personalised learning, or whole of person development beyond school boundaries and local neighbourhoods. Margaret continues to write and advocate for conceptual thinking in teaching and learning that contributes to knowledge enhancement. Margaret has been involved in numerous research and international leadership projects and has long been associated with the International Geographical Union (IGU), including the Steering Committee membership of the International Year of Global Understanding Project (IGYU, 2015-18); Executive Secretary of the IGU’s Commission for Geographical Education; Member of the IGU’s Cultural Studies Commission and Project Leader of two ICSU (International Council of Science) funded international projects (both supported and promoted by The Australian Academy of Science).
In terms of background my international experience includes working as a Senior Researcher in the School of Education at The University of Cambridge (1998 and continuing periods as visiting Fellow and Scholar); visiting scholar respectively at Leicester University; The University of Helsinki; The Chinese University of Hong Kong; The National Institute of Education in Hong Kong; NIE Singapore, and Mongolian National University of Education. All connections are maintained through research collaboration and joint publications.